Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Firefox must-have add-ons

Firefox must-have add-ons

1. AdBlock Plus
2. RAMBack
3. Session Manager
4. Firebug
5. Live HTTP headers

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Indian Politics

We Indians love being told what to do. From birth we are told what to do ... "beta papa bolo, bolo mamma", "walk baby walk", "study", "don't do that!", "get married now", "time to have kids". We are brought up on false beliefs that there will be time to do all fun stuff "when you grow up" ... yeah, right!

Most of us suffer from the psychological problem of being lost when there is nobody to tell us what to do next. We feel confused if there is no "plan" ahead of us. While most of us become scared ninnies and preys in this experiment going on for centuries, the rest of us become predators. They thrive on the surge of power they have when they can tell someone to do or not do something ... and that's where it all goes wrong! Things get out of hand. The dominant ones turn into bullies and end up using physical force when someone "disobeys" them.

Politics plays an upper hand. It recruits these bullies. The bullies have nothing to lose as it is the power surge and power surge alone that keeps them going. The bullies in fact are as vulnerable as the rest of us. Take out their leader and instructor and they are like a bunch of monkeys who wouldn't know which branch they are jumping to on hearing a gunshot.

... and so we have a great system where the higher power feeds the lower power and the lower power survives on the false premise that they are all powerful.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

Windows Mobile madness

Windows Mobile madness

While some programming (yeah I do that) I came across this crazy weird thing happening causing a prefetch abort in execution.

For those who know the time_t datatype in C, it's defined in Windows Mobile in the most ambiguous way: In crtdefs.h as a 64 bit value and in stdlib.h in the Windows Mobile SDK (5 and 6) as an unsigned long (32 bits).

Visual Studio picks up the SDK definition at compile-time and link-time, BUT execution picks the crtdefs value if you have included crtdefs.h in your program before stdlib.h: EFFECT: Crash at runtime - try assigning a 64-bit type that's interpreted as a 32-bit one ... ARGH!

Took me a day and a tech-guru friend to walk through this to realize what was happening!

Gist: Include stdlib.h before crtdefs.h in case you are using time_t data-type in Windows Mobile Programming.
Since I am new to this world and HTML has never hit it with me, I am gonna start with simple editing, although I am sure HTML tags will make their way into my blog once I start putting examples.

Please bear with me if the blog formatting doesn't live up to your expectations - this is not one of those eye-catching blogs that is attempted to win awards for design.

Read the "content" and if you have any comments, post them. I love reading what people think and analyzing how people think.

Given all this, I am not justifying any shabbiness on my blog and have an internal desire to make it the best in all ways; so if you do have formatting comments, they are most welcome to make their way in comment postings here.
This is my nth (read 3rd) attempt at a blog.

Although the heading says "random musings", it's probably the most predictable title for any new blog. I am sure a statistical study will show that at least 20% of new bloggers use "random musings" in their title or description somewhere.

What makes this blog different (or should) is that these aren't random musings of any "thoughtless"/"spotless"/"demented"/"twisted' mind.

These are random musings of my mind - which is thoughtful more often than not.

We all come across various situations in life where we'd like to ramble and vent some energy. Most such situations come in technology for me and I can crib endlessly when in the process of getting something done; but during this process, I also learn things. Things that are sometimes so wonderful that it gives you a sense of accomplishment; things that are sometimes small gotchas; things that are sometimes such stupid mistakes that you feel like kicking yourself.

What better way to convert this learning into something useful for others than a WWW blog?

So here goes ...